2 thoughts on “Episode 96: The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen

  1. Mina Harker being out in the sunlight is surprisingly clever for this movie. In the book, Dracula could go out in the day as that part of the lore hadn’t been developed yet. As for the mirror, I’m not. Initially, mirrors were made of silver and that was why there was no reflection in the original myths so a non-silver mirror should be okay but I’m not sure the filmmakers took that into account.


  2. Mina staying out in the sun is in keeping with the original Dracula book where he could operate in the daytime as old myths had vampires coming out mostly at night but there was no strict weakness to it. That came later with Nosferatu, which was ironically based on Dracula.

    There’s a possible explanation for the mirror but I doubt this movie was that clever. Initially, mirrors were made of silver which was why vampires didn’t have a reflection in them. Gradually, that turned into them not having a reflection at all. A non-silver mirror should be fine, going by early lore. Like I said, the filmmakers were probably not that clever, though.

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